open season

a specific season or time of year when it is legal to catch or hunt for fish or game protected at all other times by the law.
a period of time in which a person or thing is exposed to criticism, attack, or recrimination:
Election year is open season on all incumbents.
1895-1900, Americanism
Examples from the web for open season
  • However, peripherally sault's statements sound plausible enough and being an opinion forum, it's open season on opinions.
  • If you follow the logic here, it's open season for stealing domains.
  • The way villagers describe it, it is open season on civilians.
  • Some employees might think this is open season, not open enrollment.
British Dictionary definitions for open season

open season

a specified period of time in the year when it is legal to hunt or kill game or fish protected at other times by law
(often foll by on) a time when criticism or mistreatment is common: open season on women employees
Slang definitions & phrases for open season

open season

noun phrase

The time when persons may be harmed, insulted, etc, with impunity: If we leave, it will be open season on Americans globally

[1914+; fr the time when game may be legally hunted, the term found by 1896]